Monday, March 10, 2008

More Apple Games

Romans had a huge celebration to honor Pomona, the goddess of fruit. They did this to thank her for the harvest. People played games, ran races and enjoyed a big feast...I noticed that many of you had a lot to say about apple bobbing, so I figured I would post about some more apple games that the Romans would play..and I will warn you now, some of them are just not normal...

Swinging Apple Game..Tie an apple to a piece of string hang it on a doorway or the ceiling. Hold your hands behind your back and try to take a bite at the swinging fruit.

Apple Eating Race..Players kneel down in front of a chair. An apple is placed on each chair. Each player has their hands behind their backs. On the word "Go!" each player races to see who can finish the apple first. If the apple falls, the player is out of the game.

A Seedy Game.. Give each player an apple cut in half. The object is to count the number of seeds in an apple, the number of seeds in the apple revealed something about the person's future.
2=an early marriage
3=an inheritance
4= great wealth
5=a trip across the ocean
7=all the person's wishes would come true

Paring Up.. Pare a green apple in one long, winding piece. Swing the paring over your head three times singing:Paring, paring, long and green,Tell my fate for Halloween.Then drop the paring behind you. When it forms the shape of a letter, that letter is believed to be the first initial of the person you will marry.

..weird, no?


areis said...

About two weeks ago, I played a board game called "Apples to Apples" with a bunch of the girls on my floor. I am not sure what the game has to do with apples at all, other than there are apples on the box and apples on the cover. Well anyway, it was pretty fun... you should look into it.

Anonymous said...

It is weird to think about how many games involved apples back then.

I also have played apples to apples, and it is true that it has nothing to do with apples. But is a wicked fun game anyways!